Tag Archives: Emergency

For My Birthday, I Want….To Help


So, I am now counting down until my birthday, or as I call it because I can…”VréreDai” (April 4th…if you aren’t aware, my name is short for Very Rare Day).
I’ve decided to do something nice and different as a present to myself this year…and I hope you all consider participating.
I recently got an email from the 2100 Lakeside Emergency Men’s Shelter.
They are running low on toiletries and could use some help…
And I want to help by collecting donations to drop off.
They are in need of the following:

Small toothpaste & regular size toothbrush
Bar soap
Regular size deodorant
Small shampoo
Small hand lotion
Chapstick/Lip Balm

There is no set deadline for them to receive anything; I just want to see what all I can collect by my birthday. I plan to continue this drive well after April 4th, as they are always in need. I’m also using this as a creative idea for others to give any presents/well wishes to me…in the form of giving to the shelter. I’d be really, really appreciative in addition to the 400+ men utilizing the shelter each night!
If you have ANYTHING, please shoot me a text at 216.236.5470 or email at vreredai@gmail.com and we can work out a meeting place. Even if I collect just one item, that’s more than nothing…

Please Spread the word and thanks in advance for helping me celebrate my “VréreDai”,

Vrére 🙂