Tag Archives: Random

#RAKE Random Act of Kindness Day, Tues 2/17


Happy Random Act of Kindness Day! In case you aren’t aware, Today is #RAKE Day. #RAKE, or Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere, is a movement/nonprofit created by Cleveland native Ricky Smith. RAKE’s objective is to improve the world one random act at a time. Buying lunch for the person in line behind you, shoveling a neighbor’s snow out the driveway, paying a compliment to someone you know is feeling down…all RANDOM acts. You can find more information on the mission of R.A.K.E. HERE. We should all take some time to find the importance in doing something positive for another out of the kindness of our hearts. I personally find it to be a great healing process because it really makes me feel good helping out others (even though I don’t consider my helping of others to be so “random”, but I do a lot of organized/structured Volunteering and that’s just as helpful too).

To celebrate, you can check out the website and purchase select RAKE t-shirts for just $2.17! That’s a pretty good deal in my opinion; I grabbed myself a shirt 🙂 All proceeds go to the R.A.K.E. Fund.

Be sure to take advantage of the sale, and do something Random for another before the day is over! As always, spread the word…:)